Chapter president, Nathan Price, started by giving an update on space events since the last meeting.

The pin is updated daily with the number of days remaining to achieve the goal of landing the first woman on the moon by December 31, 2024. He explained it at the recent briefing at Artemis day.

But that is about to change! Trent Martin from Intuitive Machines described the Nova-C lander that will land on the moon in 2021.

He also explain that the “C” in Nova-C is for 100kg, and that they are working on a Nova-D (500kg capacity) and a Nova-M (1000kg capacity).
The Nova-C is the only spacecraft that is being built in the Houston Area. They do tests at Ellington Field.

check out the video on the Intuitive Machines website that illustrates how the mission will work:

We also announced the “2020 Space Communicators Program”

And we look forward to having more people speaking about space at our meetings in 2020 as a result of it.
We also gave out a number of door prizes.

Announced the January 4th meeting.

And took a group photo with Trent, which we will have displayed in our Launch/Landing party in 2021 to celebrate Nova-C’s successful mission.